Where are you located and do you travel?
I’m in Shorewood, Minnesota, a lakeside community 25 miles west of Minneapolis. Having shot all over the globe, I’m accustomed to travel. My travel expense is pretty standard; fifty six cents a mile from Shorewood. If, due to distance from my home, its necessary to stay overnight, that expense will be the responsibility of the wedding couple.

What is your photography style?
I’m a photojournalist, a story teller. Literally. A few years ago, a bride asked me what my favorite image was from her wedding. It was a no brainer. The shot of her and her Dad, seated side by side in the spacious dressing room. His hand rested in her lap…. they were taking in her last moments as a single and it must have been a bit sad for them both. Especially Dad. That image said so much to me about loving father/daughter relationships. While I shoot the requisite group shots that are always in demand, my decades of experience as a news photographer invariably place me where I need to be to capture “moments of truth.” My posed shots invariably suggest we were having fun together and I scrupulously avoid visual cliches: leaping in the air holding hands comes to mind.

Do you work with a second photographer?
Not unless I’m commissioned to do a ginormous event with hundreds of guests over a couple days. Otherwise, I shoot alone relying on two cameras and an array of lenses. If a wedding couple has planned for a major event, I can provide an experienced and talented second shooter.

What equipment do you use?
Professional grade Nikons. My kit also includes six lenses, three flashes and two soft boxes that make it possible to shoot under nearly any condition.

How many shots will you make at a wedding?
Hundreds. I fired my cameras more than a thousand times during a recent wedding. We always overshoot because of the “ blink factor.” As I recall, I provided nearly 400 edited images to the last couple and in the process I tried to avoid including redundant shots on the CD’s.

Do you need a shot list?
Sure. When I meet with the couple months in advance, we discuss specifics and I take copious notes. The shot list will be refined later and usually covers the event timeline and specific posed images the couple is expecting. After that, my photojournalist DNA kicks in.